नर्सरी स्कूल एडमिशन के वक्त बच्चों से पूछे जाने वाले सवाल

इस वेब स्टोरी में हम आपको उन महत्वपूर्ण सवालों के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं जो नर्सरी स्कूल एडमिशन इंटरव्यू के दौरान बच्चों से पूछे जाते हैं।

self Question 

1. What is your name? 2. How old are you?

color recognition

1. What is your favourite colour? 2. Can you name this colour?

Vegetables and Fruits

1. Which vegetable is this? 2. What is the name of this fruit?

animals and birds

1. What is your favourite animal? 2. What bird is this?

letters,shapes, numbers and toys

1. Which number is this? 2. Which shape is this?

Questions about Drawings

1. Do you like to draw?

stories and poems

1. Which bedtime story is your favourite? 2. Can you recite your favourite poem?

Mixed Questions

1. What is the best thing you like to eat? 2. What is your favorite game?

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